Check out this video where Vilus and Sonia the founders of Power Couple 2.0 give some insight on the Power Couple movement.



Power Couples 2.0 is for anyone Looking to take things to Greater heights. The founders who began this movement wanted couples to reach pass the stars and the moon, but not just reach, OBTAIN. Obtain success, obtain freedom, obtain lessons that would help you learn and improve. Along with obtaining, you would find friends and confidants that you would connect with and change the course of your life standards!

This is the Power Couple 2.0 Way.

About the Founders:

Vilus and Sonia Telusnord are the founders of Power Couples 2.0. After receiving word and acknowledging that Helping Couples was a destiny they had to fulfill. They Forethought Power Couples 2.0!

Helping others has always been an intricate part of their lives. Sonia Telusnord has a MPA (Masters in Public Administration) from Nova South Eastern University and prior to becoming a serial entrepreneur she devoted her life to the non profit industry. Working for some of the Biggest non profit companies in the USA she always wanted to see People do better and be better. Vilus Telusnord, Bachelor in Health Administration and Masters in Business Administration, had the same heart but always understood that money and finances was a detail in the formula of a relationship that you couldn’t ignore. He always says “ the definition of money can not be ignored, but the make-up of every relationship will be different”

The Couple started Power Couples 2.O to create a movement that would take couples to the next level and help them reach their dreams. In addition the Couples would connect with other Power Couples and belong to a family that would empower each other and grow together.

Now, when needed most couples are connecting and coming together to